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Transmigration of mandibular canines: A review of literature


  • Ch. Rehan Qamar
  • Marryam Riaz


Transmigration, impacted teeth, canine, unerupted teeth


Introduction: Transmigration of mandibular canine is a rare entity and is defined as the phenomenon of an unerupted tooth crossing the midline. The exact cause is unknown and the transmigrated tooth usually is asymptomatic. However transmigration might compromise esthetics and occlusion. The current literature review is presented to draw attention towards prominent aspects of this anomaly in developing an understanding for managing such patients.

Material and Methods: Several electronic databases were searched. Hand searching was done to short list relevant articles. A total of 47 studies were initially retrieved out of which 35 relevant studies were selected for the review.

Results: Transmigration is a rare developmental anomaly and has been reported to affect the mandibular canines exclusively. Left side of the arch is reported to be more affected than the right and females show a greater prevalence.

Conclusions: Transmigration of mandibular canine is an uncommon phenomenon of unknown etiology that is usually symptom less. An in-depth evaluation of transmigration would be helpful to develop significant clinical management of the affected patients.

Author Biographies

Ch. Rehan Qamar

BDS, FCPS. Assiociate Professor, University College of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Lahore.

Marryam Riaz

Demonstrator, Department of Physiology, University College of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Lahore.


How to Cite

Qamar, C. R., & Riaz, M. (2012). Transmigration of mandibular canines: A review of literature. Pakistan Orthodontic Journal, 4(1), 29–31. Retrieved from



Review Articles