Cephalometric evaluation of patients with convex profile using Steiner’s analysis
Retrognathic profile, skeletal malocclusion, lateral cephalogramAbstract
Introduction: Steiner’s cephalometric analysis has been one of the most widely used cephalometric analyses for orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, prognosis and predictions. However its norms are different for different populations. Steiner’s cephalometric analysis has also been used to establish cephalometric characteristics of different skeletal malocclusions. Aim of this study was to assess the cephalometric features of patients with convex profile using Steiner’s analysis.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 100 patients with convex profile as judged by orthodontists in consensus. Lateral cephalogram was drawn for each selected subject and Steiner’s analysis was performed. SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical evaluation. Correlation coefficients(r) were determined among Steiner’s variables.
Results: Patients with convex profiles have underlying skeletal class II pattern as shown by ANB angle (7.43° + 2.46), mandibular retrognathia being the most common underlying skeletal pattern. SN-Mp angle showed that most of the patients were high angle cases. Patients exhibited bi-maxillary proclination (UI-NA angle 26.93° +9.73, UI-NA distance 6.3 +3.28 and LI-NB angle 3.6° + 6.26 and LI –NB distance 6.86 +2.91). Lower lip prominence was also evident.
Conclusions: Steiner’s norms are different for different populations, so patients should be treated according the norms of their ethnicity and more preferably to macro-esthetic fundamentals. Steiner’s characteristics for skeletal class II were assessed which revealed mandibular retrognathism being the primary cause of skeletal class II, high angle vertical pattern, prominent upper/lower incisors and lower lip.