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A case series of skeletal deformity patients undergoing orthognathic surgery at Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar


  • Ayesha Iftikhar
  • Zubair Durrani


Dento-skeletal disharmony, orthognathic surgery, envelop of discrepancy


Introduction: Extreme dento-skeletal problems fall outside the scope of conservative approaches i.e orthodontic camouflage or growth modification. Orthognathic surgery in such cases is the only option left. Envelop of discrepancy of severity places a limit on the movement of the teeth orthodontically. These dento-skeletal deformities require a multidisciplinary approach for optimal results. Orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons play key roles in the management of such patients. This article reports series of 11 orthognathic surgery cases. Before hand patients malocclusion was decompensated orthodontically followed by orthognathic surgery.

Material and Methods: Retrospectively records of 11 patients were reviewed who had undergone orthognathic surgery at Rehman Medical Institute. These were asessed for age, gender, ethnicity, reason for seeking treatment, duration of pre-surgical Orthodontics, surgical procedure performed, duration of post surgical orthodontics and complications.

Results: The mean age of patients was 22.7 years. There was a male preponderance of 1 : 3.6 and the entire sample was of Pakistani origin. Out of 11 cases, the skeletal Class III cases were more (54 %), 9 % were skeletal Class II, 9% of vertical maxillary excess and 27% reporting with asymmetry. Double Jaw surgeries were performed more as compared to single jaw surgeries. Lefort 1 osteotomy was the most commonly performed procedure. Mean time of pre-surgical orthodontics was 24.9 months (SD 11.36, range of 9 to 44 months). Mean time of post- surgical orthodontics was 8 months (SD 3.86, range of 4 to 14 months). The main complication encountered with mandibular surgery was numbness in the lower lip area.

Conclusions: There is a positive trend of orthognathic surgeries in Peshawar (Pakistan) and patients are seeking it mostly for esthetic reasons. It still requires education of the population. Orthodontists are taking additional pre and post surgical orthodontics time in comparison to the recommended evidence based duration. This can be reduced with proper diagnosis and treatment planning as well as robust collaboration between different specialties.

Author Biographies

Ayesha Iftikhar

BDS, FCPS. Senior registrar Orthodontics, Rehman Medical Institute. Peshawar

Zubair Durrani

FFDRCS, FRCS;Consultant/HOD Maxillofacial Surgeon.. Rehman Medical Institute. Peshawar




How to Cite

Iftikhar, A., & Durrani, Z. (2016). A case series of skeletal deformity patients undergoing orthognathic surgery at Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar. Pakistan Orthodontic Journal, 7(2), 83–91. Retrieved from



Case Series