Pakistan Orthodontic Journal Logo

General Information:

The Pakistan Orthodontic Journal publishes original research, reviews, case reports, clinical material, short communications, and other material related to Orthodontics and relevant allied sciences. Submitted manuscripts must be original, written in English and not published or under consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts will be peer reviewed. Authors should follow the guidelines furnished below:

Guidelines for Original Article:

Organize your submission as follows.

1. Title Page: Put all information pertaining to the authors in a separate document. Include the title of the article, full name(s) of the author(s), academic degrees, and institutional affiliations and positions; identify the corresponding author and include address, telephone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address. This information will not be available to the reviewers.


Font Name: Times New Roman

Font size: 14 (bold)

Line spacing: 1.5

Authors names:

Font Name: Times New Roman

Font Size 10 (not bold)

Line spacing: 1.5

Column: Single and justified

Margins: 1 inch all sides

Each author’s contribution

2. Abstract: Structured abstract of 250 words or less are preferred. A structured abstract contains the following sections:

Font Name: Times New Roman

Font size 10 (not bold)

Line spacing: 1.5

Column: Single

Margins: 1 inch all sides

3. Key words: minimum of three key words preferably according to MeSH (Medical subject heading). Do not use words used in the title as key words.

4. Manuscript: The manuscript proper should be between 2500-3000 words excluding abstract and references and should be organized in the following sections:

Refer to teeth by their full name or their FDI tooth number. Cite references selectively, and number them in the order cited. Make sure that all references have been mentioned in the text. Include the list of references with the manuscript proper. Submit figures and tables separately; embedding figures in the word processing document are also encouraged.

Font Name: Times New Roman

Font size: 12 (not bold)

Line spacing: 1.5

Column: single

Margins: 1 inch all sides

5. References: Cite references selectively, and number them in the order cited. Make sure that all the references have been mentioned in the text. Follow the format of references in “Vancouver style”. If six or fewer authors, list all; if seven or more, list first three and add et al. Preferred number of references for case reports is 10, 16-30 for original articles and 30 and above for review articles.


Format for journal articles: Thompson WJ. Combination anchorage technique: an update of current mechanics, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1988, 93: 363-79.

Format for Books:

Graber TM, Swain BF. Orthodontics: Current principles and techniques. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1985: 307-404.

Format for Chapter: Woodside DG, Linder-Anderson S. Progressive increase in lower facial height and the use of posterior occlusal bite-block in its management. In Graber LW, ed,. Orthodontics. State of the art: essence of the science. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1996: 200-21.

Font Name: Times New Roman

Font size: 10 (not bold)

Line spacing: 1.5

Column: single

Margins: 1 inch all sides

6. Figures: Digital images should be sent in TIF, EPS or Jpeg format, CMYK or grey scale, at least 5 inches wide and at least 300 pixels per inch (118 pixels/cm). If required, labeled figures can be asked for as separate documents. For best results, avoid screening, shading, and colored backgrounds; use the simplest patterns available. Be sure you have mentioned each figure, in order, in the text.

7. Tables: Submit tables as text base files e.g. word or excel files and not as graphic elements. Tables should be self-explanatory and should supplement not duplicate the text. Number them with Roman numerals, in the order they are mentioned in the text. Provide a brief title for each.

8. Photographs of identifiable persons: Must be accompanied by a consent signed by the person, either living parents, or the guardian for minors. If consent form has not been obtained from the patient or guardian, than only send pictures in which the patient cannot be recognized.

9. Copyright release: All manuscripts must be accompanied by the following written statement signed by the authors as a separate document attached.

“The undersigned author(s) transfers all copy right ownership of the manuscript (insert title of the article here) to Pakistan Orthodontic Journal. The undersigned author(s) warrants that the article is original, does not infringe upon any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party, is not under consideration by another journal, has not been previously published, and includes any product that may derive from the published journal, whether print or electronic media. I (we) sign for and accept responsibility for releasing this material.

10. Conflict of Interest statement:

Report any commercial association that might pose a conflict of interest, such as ownership, stock holdings, equity interest and consultant activities or patent licensing situations. If the manuscript is accepted, the disclosed information will be published with the article.

Guest editorials, letters, review articles may be rejected if conflict of interest exists.

11. Institutional review board approval:

For those articles that report on the results of experiments of treatments where patients or animals have been used as sample institutional review board (IRB) approval is mandatory. No experimental studies will be sent out for review without an IRB approval accompanying a manuscript submission. If any institute does not have IRB, a letter from the head of the institute shall be sufficient.

12. Systematic reviews and Meta analysis:

Must be accompanied by the current PRISMA check list and flow diagram

13. Randomized clinical trials:

Must be accompanied by the current CONSORT statement, check list and flow diagram

Guidelines for Review Articles:

Same as original article but must include literature review under the heading of Results.

Guidelines for Case Report:

Case Report will be evaluated for completeness and quality of records, quality of treatment, uniqueness of the case, and quality of the manuscript. A high quality manuscript will include the following sections:

The submitted figures should include extra oral and intra oral photographs, dental models, panoramic radiographs and tracings from both pretreatment and post treatment, and progress or retention figures as appropriate. 

Miscellaneous Submissions:

Brief, substantiated commentary on subjects of interest to the orthodontic profession is occasionally published as a continuous education program or short communication.


  1. Title page
  2. Structured abstract and key words
  3. Manuscript proper including references, figures and tables
    1. Check if figures have proper captions
    2. Check if tables have proper captions
  4. Signed Copy right release statement
  5. Photographic consent statement if applicable
  6. Conflict of interest statement if applicable


Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the editor(s) or publisher, and the editor(s) and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. Neither the editor(s) nor the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service advertised in this publication; neither do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of any product or service. Each reader must determine whether to act on the information in this publication, and neither the Journal nor its sponsoring organizations shall be liable for any injury due to the publication of erroneous information.
